04 All Blues.mp3
Mr. Gonzalo “William” Quinto; Philanthropist/Humanitarian, Diplomat, Entrepreneur/Businessman, Community Organizer, Team Sponsor of Old Parr and Grand Marnier basketball teams.
Several weeks ago I posted to my timeline on Facebook chronicling the Old Parr basketball teams. The sponsor of that team was Mr. Gonzalo Quinto (seated on the right in the picture). Mr. Quinto is known by many Belizeans for the above introduction but there are also many Belizeans especially the younger generation who knows little about Mr. Quinto, his Chinese friends Mr. Simon Quan (seated on the left in the picture), Mr. James Lee, Mr. Skinny, and several others were responsible for sponsoring and popularizing the game of Volleyball in Belize. Before I get to the volleyball piece I would like to highlight a couple of Mr. Quinto’s generosity from my experience which I believe he would not object to being promulgated. During our playing career (Old Parr) after every game win or lose (we did not lose many) his Canton Restaurant on New Road was closed to the public and open solely for his players, their wives, girlfriends and most loyal fans who accompanied us after games. We were afforded whatever we wanted to eat and or drink all at his expense. Additionally we were each given a stipend as appreciation for our efforts. All we wanted to do was win for him and watch him flash his infectious smile as he hoist the championship trophy four times out of five years before I migrated to the US. We were respectful and appreciative of his generosity. Small gestures like this have a profound effect on a po [sic] boy from Plues Street. I’ll explain in closing.
Gonzalo Quinto & Sons main store is located next door to the Central Police Station on Queen Street. Daily, at the end of the work day the police courtyard at the front of the station house was transformed into a volleyball court complete with referees and officials. This may have been around 1967 (I stand to be corrected). Mr. Quinto and his Chinese friends formed the core of his team with the late Camma and Kent Myvett as regulars on their team because of their height and kill abilities. The other teams were made up of players from the community who learned the game along the way. Some of these players were Jimmy Harris (he was a well-respected traffic policeman who rode one of the signature Triumph motorcycles in the department), Jimmy “Capito Lawrence, Paapy Nunez, Junie Myvett, Thor Middleton, Ned Lord, Anthony “Pro” Myvett (brother of Kent Myvett) and his cousin Gilbert Gomez, Beebs Menzies to name a few and several other members of the police force. There were other players involved but unable to recall names at the moment. It was a treat and also impressive to be at courtside and watch the Chinese players return powerful kill from the opposing team on their fingertips quietly setting Camma or Kent for their kill at the net. Jimmy Harris had the most powerful kill that I have seen at the time and Camma had the best control kill. There were some intense and heated arguments sometimes but never got out of control because everyone was aware of where they were located. The games were open to the public so passersby would stop in and watch sometimes to a standing room only. You can hear the ooohs and amah’s as the Chinese players moved with coordinated precision to set up their plays. The games would continue until late into the night. Some of the movie going audience from Majestic Theater would stop by to enjoy the games after the show (two for the price of one).
Eventually the game became more popular and subsequently Mr. Quinto and his friends were instrumental in organizing the first volleyball tournament held at St. Ignatius. At this time most of the players who played basketball on St. Ignatius court also played some volleyball. The weekends were reserved for bet games. Football in the back (where the bell was located), basketball and volleyball on the court sometimes simultaneously (half-court basketball on one end and volleyball on the other), cards, dominoes, dice, marbles, top, caparuche, roller skating, hand ball, but I digress, you get the picture. Mr. Quinto and his friends deserve most of the credit for making volleyball happen. (If anyone in Facebook land have information to the contrary please enlighten).
In closing, team sport allows an individual to develop intangibles that are applicable to your everyday life in order to be successful. Discipline, leadership, teamwork, perseverance, dedication, conflict resolution, social interaction, practice, preparation and execution, listening and following instructions. I’ve always listened and pay attention to my parents, teachers, friends, and people like Mr. Quinto who worked hard and displayed high standards, integrity, support and affection to others. I’ll say this reluctantly because it’s not about me but I sucked it all in and applied what I have learned which allowed me to retire twice and currently enjoying the fruits of my labor. I did not want to let any of these people down because they expected excellence.
Mr. Gonzalo “William” Quinto, IMHO you are a great Belizean! Thanks for investing in a group of unknown kids from humble beginnings. Many of us became household names in our neighborhood and Belize because of your confidence in our abilities as athletes. Many of us also went on to represent our country in international competitions. It was money well spent. I over stand [sic] why you are a successful businessman. UTMOST RESPECT to you Sir!!!!
Note: The Photo is courtesy of Ms. Connie Quinto Facebook page. Mr. Quinto on the right and his friend Mr. Simon Quan on the left.